NOTE: This interview happened in the aftermath of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony at the Kavanaugh hearings. In my conversation with playwright, fiction writer, and doula, Jennifer Fawcett, we talk about: how do we give ourselves “permission”?; the importance of making your own “stuff”; struggling with “who cares” and Imposter Syndrome; how powerful and necessary it is to tell our own stories; if girls face more challenges towards self-actualization; how to keep making things even if we feel inadequate; how writing her own material helped her overcome messages that she wasn’t good enough; how we all have experiences with bullying and how bullying is a magnet topic; depression and and the perspective making power of storytelling and theater; narcissism and social media; teaching writing workshops in Tanzania and Rwanda; motherhood and its impact of creative work and process; how storytelling creates awareness of interconnection across cultures, languages, and experiences; why perfect isn’t interesting; why we should “keep doing it anyway”.
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Learn more about the stuff we talk about in this episode:
Working Group Theatre, the theatre group that Jenn co-founded.
The International Theatre Project, the organization that allowed Jenn to travel to Tanzania and Rwanda to teach storytelling and theatre to young students.