March Roundup: Life in Seoul, Korea
안녕 친구! Hi Friend! It’s been about month since I arrived in Korea and just a few weeks that I’ve…
Half-Way Through My Quarantine!
안녕 친구! Hi Friend! Now that I’m past the halfway mark of my quarantine, I thought you might enjoy some…
Isang Yun’s “Die Hungrige Katze (The Hungry Cat),” from “Li-na im Garten”
Hi Friend! 안녕하세요! Hello from Seoul, where I’m in quarantine before I begin my Fulbright grant residency! Here’s some music by Isang Yun…
IIRY Podcast: 37. I won a Fulbright Award!
Hello friends! I hope you are staying warm and safe out there…So, I have some pretty big news to share:…
Jessie Montgomery’s Rhapsody No. 1 for solo violin
Hi Friend! Here’s music from the brilliant composer and violinist, Jessie Montgomery: her Rhapsody No. 1 for solo violin, written in 2014. I…
S’more Bach
Hi Friend! Some more music as we round the corner into February (WAT? When did *that* happen?? O.o) Please to enjoy, Bach’s…
IIRY Podcast: 36. Jennifer Fawcett. “Perfect isn’t interesting.”
Do you struggle with Imposter Syndrome? Today, we revisit a chat from 2019 with my friend, playwright and fiction writer,…
Knuckle-busting Paganini
Hi Friend! One silver lining of this seemingly never-ending pandemic is that I have time to practice for practice’s sake. Usually…
Bach as Self Care
Hi Friend! Well, so far 2021 has some explaining to do — it’s been a rough week, so far, huh?…
The OG PRODIGY: Mozart’s Violin Concerto No. 3
Hi Friend! Happy New Year! Phew, we made it! Please enjoy a classic by the OG PRODIGY: Mozart’s Violin Concerto No.…