IIRY Podcast: 12. “The belief that perfection equals worthiness is the biggest struggle of my life.”Dr. Sarah Carter
In Part Two of my conversation with physician, cellist, writer, and former child prodigy, Dr. Sarah Carter, we discuss the…
IIRY Podcast: 11.”In the depths of major depression, I realized I’d lived my whole life in someone else’s dream.”Dr. Sarah Carter
In my conversation with physician, cellist, writer, and former child prodigy, Dr. Sarah Carter, we discuss the “classical music machine”…
IIRY Podcast: 10. “The most important skill is connecting with people” Pianist Assaff Weisman
In my conversation with pianist, teacher, and administrator, Assaff Weisman, we discuss the importance of early teachers; the entrepreneurship…
IIRY Podcast: 7 – “Asians are both the ‘model minority’ and an invisible minority” Dr. Mina Yang
In my conversation with pianist, professor, and writer, Mina Yang, we creating space for conversations about racism against East Asians…
IIRY Podcast: 6 – “‘Zero f**ks given’: Why vulnerability is the most important thing.” Violinist Zach Brock
In my conversation with jazz violinist, Zach Brock, we talk about his musical upbringing and how he straddles the line…
IIRY Podcast: #5 -“Why ‘perfect’ isn’t interesting.” Writer Jennifer Fawcett
NOTE: This interview happened in the aftermath of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony at the Kavanaugh hearings. In my conversation…